Friday, July 15, 2011

The Jury is In - An Update (July Bloomday)

In a previous post from April, I mentioned that the jury was out on my attempt to grow perennial flowers. The jury is now in and I can declare a small victory. I have successfully grown one large black-eyed-susan from seed with two more on the way, one yarrow from seed and three more planted previously as seedlings, one butterfly bush from seed and one planted as a seedling. Though early in the season yet, I have seen a couple of monarch butterflies in the garden and have attracted other similar winged creatures! I hope that September brings a profusion of blooms as well as many monarch visitors to my butterfly garden.

Black-Eyed-Susans in bloom in foreground, yarrow and sage in the background
Yarrow from seed in tomato bed.
Black-Eyed-Susan in right hand corner, ready to harvest leaks at top.
Yarrow and sage, the perfect butterfly candy.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Tomato Fireworks Part II

It is Independence day weekend and the tomatoes are finally ripening in the Victory Garden. The Tomatomania seedlings (obviously seedlings no more) are beginning to provide a bounty! This weekend's barbecues will include the following delectable offerings!

From left to right, Top row: Marianna's Peace, Pink Berkeley Tie-Die, Haley's Purple Comet
From left to right, Bottom Row: Pickling cucumber, Black Pearl, Black Trifle
Haley's Purple Comment, Large-leaf (Potato Leaf variety) with small, dark red fruit.
My very prolific Cherokee Purple, a favorite heirloom of home tomato growers.
Black Trifles, small yet delectable
My volunteers are Black Pearls - YUM!
Pink Berkeley Tie-Die looks a little sickly, but it is producing well.
Marianna's Peace - my absolute favorite! I need to do some more research on it.